Case details

Attorney: Termination due to filing harassment complaint




Mediated Settlement

Result type

Not present

In February 2012, claimant Todd Zocchi, a former deputy district attorney with Tulare County, was terminated by Tulare County District Attorney Phillip Cline. Zocchi claimed that the termination was in retaliation for having complained of sexual harassment by his former supervisor, Assistant District Attorney Shani Jenkins. Zocchi brought a government entity tort claim against Tulare County, Cline, and Jenkins in June 2012. He alleged, among other things, that the respondent’s actions constituted retaliation, harassment and wrongful termination. Zocchi claimed that in November 2011, he reported to the county that he had an affair with Jenkins and that a hostile work environment developed based on Jenkins’ treatment of him related to that affair. He claimed that, in response, he was retaliated against in the form of a termination from the District Attorney’s Office without any explanation. Zocchi alleged that after his termination, he learned that Jenkins denied the relationship and lied about the affair, and that she also brought a false allegation against him. However, Zocchi claimed that Jenkins brought her claim against him only after he had reported the hostile work environment first. The county, Cline and Jenkins all denied any wrongdoing. County officials alleged that the decision to terminate Zocchi was made before the claimant filed any hostile work environment complaint. Cline alleged that he had valid non-discriminatory reasons for terminating Zocchi and that the claims of retaliation were without merit. In addition, Jenkins denied Zocchi’s claims and alleged that she filed her complaint before Zocchi filed his., Zocchi sought rescindment of his February 2012 termination, and recovery of general and special damages, including future wages and attorney fees.
Matter not filed, CA

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