Case details

Baggage handler: Employer had incorrect wage statements





Result type

Not present

On June 22, 2017, plaintiff Matthew DelValle, 26, a baggage handler, became involved in an altercation with his manager over not getting rest breaks. DelValle claimed that he was fired after the altercation. DelValle sued Menzies Aviation, Aircraft Service International and his supervisor, Renil Lal. DelValle alleged that the defendants’ actions constituted unlawful termination in violation of the California Labor Code. He also alleged that the defendants violated the California Labor Code by failing to provide proper meal and rest breaks. DelValle also brought a Private Attorneys General Act representative action against the defendants, alleging that the defendants’ practice of not providing employees proper meal and rest breaks violated California Labor Code § 226. DelValle, acting on behalf of himself and as the representative for other aggrieved employees, claimed that, from the period of September 2016 through March 2019, Aircraft Service International’s itemized wage statements did not show the name or address of the employer’s legal entity, state all applicable hourly rates, or state the total number of hours worked for each pay period. He further claimed that Aircraft Service International failed to keep records of its employees’ itemized wage statements. DelValle also claimed that he was not provided proper meal and rest breaks and that when he complained about it to his manager, he was fired. Defense counsel contended that DelValle was not fired and that DelValle quit after the altercation with his foreman. Counsel also disputed DelValle’s wage and hours claims, asserting that the defendants’ wage and employment practices where not unlawful and that the defendants complied with all applicable statutes and regulations, including the California Labor Code., DelValle’s economics expert calculated the defendants’ penalties under the Private Attorneys General Act as totaling $17.2 million.
Superior Court of San Francisco County, San Francisco, CA

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