Case details

Inmate claimed officers used excessive force for no reason





Result type

Not present

face, facial laceration, nose
On March 7, 2006, plaintiff Cedric Greene, an inmate at the Tehachapi prison, had to be restrained by Lieutenant Sanders and Correctional Officers Dozer, Kephart and Taylor. He claimed that the officers used excessive force against him for no reason, causing lacerations to his face, hands and wrist. Greene sued Sanders, Dozer, Taylor and Kephart. He alleged that the defendants used excessive force in violation of his civil rights under 42 USC § 1983 and in violation of the Eighth Amendment. Greene claimed that he was compliant and gave the officers no reason to assault him. He alleged that Dozer and Kephart wrongfully slammed him against the wall without proper cause, and that Dozer, Kephart and Taylor forcefully tackled him hard to the ground. Greene further alleged that his hands were physically yanked though the food opening by Sanders, causing . Defense counsel argued that the correction officers used appropriate force on Greene, who became disruptive and had to be restrained. Counsel noted that Greene has multiple write-ups for violating prison rules and procedures. Counsel further noted that prior to the incident in question, Greene had filed numerous other charges against officers, which a review committee found meritless., Greene claimed he suffered facial lacerations, as well as cuts and bleeding to his hands and wrist.
United States District Court, Eastern District, Fresno, CA

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