Case details

Motorcyclist: Driver suddenly exited driveway, causing crash





Result type

Not present

ankle, ankle chest, chest, fracture, rib
On Nov. 2, 2019, claimant Randy Vorick, 28, was motorcycling in the number two lane of East La Habra Boulevard, between 325 East La Habra Boulevard and 331 East La Habra Boulevard, in La Habra. He collided with the driver’s side door of a vehicle operated by Cecil Cartwright, who was make a left turn out of a commercial driveway. Vorick was ejected from his motorcycle, flipped over the vehicle and landed on the pavement. He sustained to his chest and an ankle. In lieu of filing a lawsuit, Vorick pursued recovery directly from Cartwright’s insurer, USAA. Vorick alleged that Cartwright was negligent in the operation of his vehicle. Vorick claimed that Cartwright’s vehicle suddenly appeared in front of him and that he attempted to stop in time to avoid colliding with Cartwright’s vehicle, but was unable to do so. Cartwright claimed that he did not see Vorick prior to the incident because Vorick was speeding and made a sudden lane change just prior to the impact., Vorick sustained rib fractures and an ankle fracture. He also sustained internal , including a liver laceration and pulmonary contusions. Vorick was taken from the scene and brought to University of California, Irvine Medical Center, in Orange, where he was admitted to the intensive-care unit. He remained hospitalized until Nov. 10, 2019.
Matter not filed, CA

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