Case details

Parents: Failure to ground electric equipment caused teen’s death





Result type

Not present

death, electric shock
On April 1, 2019, plaintiffs’ decedent Jacob Hourmouzus, 17, a student, was with a friend near an orchard, attempting to rescue a dog from an irrigation canal that was off Dixon Avenue, west of Interstate 80, in Dixon. As Jacob and his friend grabbed the metal railing of a footbridge that was over the irrigation canal and jumped into the canal, they were electrocuted. Jacob’s parents, Candy Sue Carrillo and Brandon Hourmouzus, sued the owner and operator of the canal and footbridge, the Solano Irrigation District. Jacob’s parents alleged that employees of the Solano Irrigation District were negligent in the assembly of electrical equipment in the area, creating a dangerous condition, and that the irrigation district was liable for its employees’ actions. Plaintiffs’ counsel contended that the irrigation district’s employees failed to properly ground electrical equipment in the area, allowing the metal bridge to become electrically energized. Counsel also contended that, due to the rural location, the irrigation district knew that members of the public used the area for recreation and failed to take proper care. Defense counsel contended that the incident was a tragic accident. Counsel asserted that the cause of the condition that allowed the bridge to become energized was unknown and that the lack of proper grounding may have occurred by vandalism or an unknown event., Jacob was electrocuted. He was 17 years old. He was survived by his mother, Candy Sue Carrillo, and his father, Brandon Hourmouzus. Jacob’s parents sought recovery of wrongful death damages for the loss of their son.
Superior Court of Solano County, Fairfield, CA

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