Case details

Plaintiff alleged rear-ender caused neck, back injuries





Result type

Not present

back, neck, soft tissue, sprains, strains
On May 11, 2010, plaintiff Yanina Chechelnitskaya, a self-employed woman in her 50s, was driving her sport utility vehicle on Coldwater Canyon Avenue in Studio City. While approaching the intersection of Ventura Boulevard in stop-and-go traffic, Chechelnitskaya was rear-ended by a pickup truck operated by Athens Bordokas. Chechelnitskaya claimed to her neck and back. Chechelnitskaya sued Bordokas. She alleged Bordokas was negligent in the operation of his vehicle, causing the accident and her . The accident caused little physical damage to the rear of Chechelnitskaya’s SUV. Bordokas incurred roughly $600 in property damage to his front bumper. Bordokas admitted liability for the accident on the first day of trial, and the matter proceeded to assess causation and damages., Chechelnitskaya went to a chiropractor on the day of the accident. She was diagnosed with strains and sprains of her neck and back, and began a course of chiropractic care. Chechelnitskaya had a seven-month gap in treatment, due to a flare-up after her initial discharge from treatment. She had 32 total visits with the chiropractor. Chechelnitskaya claimed that while her condition has mostly improved, she still experiences occasional flare-ups in her neck and back that will require further treatment. She claimed roughly $5,700 in past medical costs (post-Howell), and further asked the jury for $2,000 to $3,000 in future medical costs as well as $50,000 for her pain and suffering. Bordokas’ expert orthopedist reviewed Chechelnitskaya’s medical records, and opined that while she was injured in the accident, her were very minor and should have resolved with minimal treatment. Bordokas argued that Chechelnitskaya exaggerated her and overtreated, and that she should be awarded zero damages, or in the alternative, $3,500 for reasonable medical bills and pain and suffering.
Superior Court of Los Angeles County, Van Nuys, CA

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