Case details

Plaintiff: City failed to address coworker’s offensive actions





Result type

Not present

hostile work environment, retaliation, sexual harassment
On July 6, 2010, plaintiff Angela Long began working in operations at a wastewater treatment plant for the city of Galt. She claimed that one week after she was hired, she was subjected to sexual harassment by another employee, David Belser. Long sued the city of Galt and Belser for sexual harassment, hostile work environment and retaliation. Long claimed that Belser often talked about sex and sexual acts in the office, and displayed nude photos from his computer and cellular phone. She also claimed that Belser bragged about the size of his anatomy, calling it “Big Mike,” and offered to perform sexual acts on her. Long stated that she complained almost immediately to her supervisor and continued to complain, along with some of her male coworkers, of Belser’s offensive sexual talk. She claimed that after the harassment continued for several months, she complained to Human Resources, whereupon Belser was immediately terminated. Long contended that after reporting the case, she was treated differently, including her supervisor becoming openly hostile, and the city manager in charge of her department threatening her with termination and angrily chastising her for not “following the chain of command.” Long also claimed that she was denied a pay raise to which she was entitled. Plaintiff’s counsel contended that all of Long’s coworkers (other than Belser) stated that Long was offended by Belser’s conduct. However, according to plaintiff’s counsel, Long’s supervisor conceded that he took no action in response to her complaints. Defense counsel contended that Long may have been a willing participant in the alleged harassing activities. Counsel also contended that Long kept notes on Belser’s work performance and may have had reasons other than the alleged harassment to get him fired., Long sought recovery of compensatory damages, punitive damages, and attorney’s fees and costs.
Superior Court of Sacramento County, Sacramento, CA

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