Case details

Plaintiff claimed she was raped, intimidated by police officers




Mediated Settlement

Result type

Not present

emotional distress, mental, psychological
In December 2009, the plaintiff, a female, was raped by Los Angeles Police Department officers Luis Valenzuela and James Nichols on two separate occasions. The rapes occurred in a police department vehicle while the officers were on duty. In 2016, Valenzuela and Nichols were charged with raping and sexually assaulting several women while on duty. The victims were women, ages 19 to 34, who were informants in drug cases or had been arrested on suspicion of drug-related crimes. The officers ultimately pleaded no contest to the charges in 2018, and both were sentenced to 25 years in prison. The plaintiff, who was one of the plaintiff women named in the criminal suit, brought a civil action against Valenzuela, Nichols and the officers’ employer, the city of Los Angeles. The matter proceeded to mediation., The plaintiff claimed that she was raped twice by the officers, who ordered her silence. She alleged that she believed the officers would harm her if she revealed the sexual assaults. She claimed that as a result, she feared the officers, who continued to patrol her neighborhood until they were charged of the crimes in 2016. The plaintiff is seeking psychological care, and she claimed she will continue to need psychological care to deal with the impact of the traumatic events. The plaintiff sought recovery of damages for her emotional distress as a result of the incidents.
United States District Court, Central District, Los Angeles, CA

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