Case details

Respondent failed to stop at stop sign, claimant alleged





Result type

Not present

anxiety, back, brain, brain injury, concussion, head, knee neck burns, lower back, mental, psychological, sensory, speech, tinnitus
On July 30, 2012, at 1 p.m., claimant Sarah Ikeda, 23, a college student, was driving on westbound Baseline Street when she entered the intersection with Browning Road in Highland and was struck on the passenger side by a vehicle operated by Damien Bojorquez, who driving on southbound Browning Road. Ikeda sustained to her head, neck, arms, lower back and right knee. Ikeda brought a claim against Bojorquez, alleging that the respondent was negligent in the operation of his vehicle. Specifically, Ikeda contended that there are no stop signs on Baseline Street at the intersection with Browning Road, but that there is a stop sign on southbound Browning Road at the subject intersection. Thus, she claimed that Bojorquez caused the collision by failing to stop at the Browning Road stop sign prior to entering the intersection. Bojorquez’s insurer did not dispute the cause of the accident., Ikeda complained of hearing problems, including tinnitus and hyperacusis, immediately after the crash. Paramedics subsequently treated her at the scene for the abrasions she sustained and for the blood that was visible. Ikeda was then taken to a hospital for treatment of third-degree burns as a result of the airbag deploying and given a CT scan of her head. Physicians subsequently diagnosed her with a concussion and soft-tissue swelling of her neck and lower back. Ikeda also sustained a right knee sprain and claimed that she suffered from anxiety as a result of the collision. Ikeda ultimately received conservative physical therapy treatment and consultation for her tinnitus and hyperacusis. She claimed that due to the severe hearing impairment she sustained, her ability to drive and her daily activities were substantially limited. Thus, Ikeda claimed that she will not be able to return to her normal life without a hearing device and therapy. Thus, Ikeda sought recovery of approximately $15,000 in medical bills, as well as an unspecified amount for her pain and suffering.
Matter not filed, CA

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