Case details

School district: Aide could not perform essential job functions





Result type

Not present

emotional distress, mental, pain, psychological, sufering
In 2013, plaintiff Veronica Sahagun, a woman in her 30s, a part-time noon duty aide and part-time translator for the Moreno Valley Unified School District, presented a doctor’s note for her medical condition, which prevented her being about to stay out in direct sunlight. Sahagun later presented another doctor’s note in 2014, which stated that she could not be in temperatures above 80 degrees. The school district subsequently scheduled an interactive meeting with Sahagun in August 2014, but she was ultimately released from her position as a noon duty aide. Sahagun sued the Moreno Valley Unified School District. She alleged that the school district’s actions constituted disability discrimination and failure to engage in the interactive process. Sahagun contended that the district failed to engage in a good faith interactive process and that the district should have been able to accommodate her. Defense counsel contended that the essential job functions of the noon-duty-aide position were reviewed at the interactive meeting in August 2014, but it was determined that a requirement of the position was that the aide had to be outside. Counsel also contended that the school district could not protect Sahagun from the valley heat and that as such, it could not accommodate Sahagun. Counsel contended that as a result, Sahagun was taken off the list of noon duty aides., Sahagun worked with the Moreno Valley Unified School District since approximately 2006, and she continues her employment as a translator. However, she claimed she suffers emotional distress as a result of being released as a noon duty aide. Sahagun contended that her own children went to the same school where she worked and that she enjoyed working with children. Thus, she contended that she was distraught over being released, as she very much wanted to work with youngsters. Sahagun sought recovery of lost income and damages for her emotional pain and suffering. She also sought recovery of attorney fees.
Superior Court of Riverside County, Riverside, CA

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